To register at the XXVIII AiIG PhD Summer School please use the registration page of AiIG main site.
Payment can only be made by Credit Card using the “Join the Summer School” section of the website.
Tuition is differentiated as follows:
– Early bird – AiIG junior members (till January 31th, 2021): tuition for the program is € 150 euros (+ 30 euros for 2020 AiIG membership) and is inclusive of participation and course materials
– Late registration – AiIG junior members (after January 31th, 2021): tuition for the program is € 200 euros (+ 30 euros for 2020 AiIG membership) and is inclusive of participation and course materials.
– Ordinary participants: tuition for the program is € 250 and is inclusive of participation and course materials.
AiIG has no VAT and therefore does not issue invoices, but receipts. If you require further information, please contact: